Friday, 14 December 2012

Art Exhibition

Year 9 Maiden Erlegh art exhibition

The amazing emerging forms colourful and vibrant exhibition in the peacock gallery by year 9 Maiden Erlegh art students wowed viewers. “What a Fantastic, Vibrant exhibition!” said one viewer.
The students had a theme of emerging forms; each class had a chosen media to work with. In the Exhibition there were many different Medias like card, paper, clay, canvas’, wire and pillow decorating.


One piece that I think stood out was a fly emerging out of a piece of paper. I think the student who made this really took the idea of emerging forms to the next level by making there piece emerge from the paper.
“As soon as I walked into the room I was stunned by everyone’s creativity” said a viewer.

All of the different Medias were grouped together which made the whole room stand out as the 3d art students had their paper body architecture pieces in one corner which with the plain white colour really stood out
“It was hard to manipulate the chosen materials, as sometimes they didn’t work the way we planned” said an art student “But after we experimented with our material it was made a lot easier”

 Overall it was a lovely, vibrant exhibition where everybody’s individual pieces stood out from all the others.